Holy Week and Easter at SMM 2023
SMM has a full slate of services for Holy Week and Easter. See the schedule below.
Many of our services will be livestreamed. As the livestream information becomes available, the links on this page will be updated.
Palm Sunday - 2 April
8.00 am Said Mass
9.15 am Sung Mass & Blessing of Palms
11.00 am Solemn Mass & Blessing of Palms (livestreamed)
Wednesday in Holy Week - 5 April
Maundy Thursday - 6 April
6.00 pm Solemn Mass & Stripping of the Altars (livestreamed)
8.30 pm Second Tenebrae
Good Friday - 7 April
12.00 pm Solemn Liturgy (livestreamed)
8.00 pm Third Tenebrae
Holy Saturday - 8 April
8.00 pm The Great Vigil & First Mass of Easter (livestreamed)