Get Involved
There are many opportunities to take part in parish activities and you can join them or even create new ones. Explore some of these volunteer options to serve, support and participate in parish life. You can also to receive the weekly parish newsletter by contacting the parish office (office@stmarymagdalene.ca)
Community Dinners
Each month volunteers prepare nutritious hot dinners in the winter and cold sandwiches, vegetables and fruit in the warmer seasons. We serve 80 to 100 guests at our neighbor parish, St. Thomas Huron Street. For more information, contact Brian Clarke: b.clarke@utoronto.ca
Spiritual Growth
A discussion group has met every Wednesday after the 10:00 am mass for more than twenty years to study and reflect on a current book or one from scripture. Currently we meet both in person and on Zoom - though we take a break for the summer months There are also lectures, occasional quiet days, retreats and other presentations during the year. For more information, contact the church office: office@stmarymagdalene.ca
Gardening and Grounds
Gardeners enjoy keeping our property attractive by planting annuals and perennials and tending them throughout the year. Those walking by tell us how much they appreciate our efforts in enhancing our local neighborhood.. For more information contact Mark Stenabaugh: mmstenabaugh@hotmail.com
Greeters and Sidespersons
Welcoming parishioners and visitors is an important part of parish life. Sidespersons answer questions, distribute leaflets, record attendance. take up the offerings during the eucharist and offer friendly support.,To help out or to learn more, contact: Paul and Marilyn Stewart: pm.stewart@rogers.com
The Poetry Project
An innovative addition to our parish life in 2022 was the weekly posting of poems read by parishioners. Their presence on our social media with familiar voices and beautiful film accompaniment has enriched us all.
While the project has concluded, it llives on and you can enjoy it by going here.
We provide light refreshments for coffee hours after the 9:30 and 11:00 masses. Refreshments are also offered after Feast Day masses sometimes in Hiscocks Hall and at other times in the back of the church. For more information, contact Jo-Ann Dawson: joann.dawson149@gmail.com
Our liturgies involve many lay people who serve at the altar, bear candles in processions or act as masters of ceremonies during our daily masses. They tell us that serving enriches their own spiritual lives. For more information contact Phyllis McCurdy: phyllis.mccurdy2020@gmail.com
Altar Guild
Preparing vestments for worship, polishing brass, ironing purificators are all part of the regular and necessary part of preparing for daily worship. This quiet but essential support of parish life always needs faithful supporters. For more information, contact Edith Killey: ekilley@sympatico.ca
Old testament lessons are traditionally read by lay persons at our Sunday liturgies. Readers are assigned in advance with time to prepare. Sometimes readers also have offered Prayers of the People. To learn more contact: Edith Killey (9:30 mass) ekilley@sympatico.ca Vicki Hathaway (11:00 mass)v.e.hathaway@gmail.com
Photographers & Videographers
Through the years we have shared wonderful photos and videos to document our worship and events. They tell the story of the present and preserve a legacy for those who come later. Bring your camera or use your phone to document our life together. You can submit images at any time to our administrator: office@stmarymagdalene.ca