Wednesday Study in Lent
We return on Wednesday, March 12th to explore C. S Lewis's book, Till We have Faces, Cupid & Psyche - The Story Behind the Myth. Mother Alexandra will facilitate these sessions on Wednesdays during Lent following the 10:00 am mass.
Saturday Study in Lent
Starting on March 8 Fr. PJ Carefoote is happy to lead a book club discussion after the Saturday morning 10:00 am. Masses in Lent on Jesuit Father James Martin's Seven Last Words.
All Ages Games Night
Enjoy competing at a whole range of games for all ages on Saturday March 8 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Come one come all
Ash Wednesday March 5
To begin the season of Lent, we offer a said mass at 10:00 am, and a Solemn Mass at 7:00 pm, both with the imposition of Ashes. All are welcome.
Coldest Night Results!
Our kids raised $3,275 for Sistering. Congratulations to the organizers and the kids themselves.
Pancake Supper
We celebrate shrove Tuesday on March 4 with a pancake supper for families starting at 5:00 pm. followed by the burning of palms in the rectory garden.