Access our complete schedule of music for the organ and choir here for mid February until June 2025.
Previous music Schedules:
2023 Advent to Easter 2024 (Year B)
2024 Eastertide to Christ the King (Year B)
2024 Advent to Easter 2025 (Year C)
Music has always been an important part of the identity of our church. This became especially true during the long and productive tenure of Healey Willan from 1921 until his death in 1968. His famed choir and own virtuosic skill as an organist brought renown to the church. This legacy has evolved over the years, and the music programme has come to be one with breadth of variety and style. We are fortunate to have many skilled musicians who contribute greatly to the musical life of our parish.
In addition to the Willan tradition of the 11:00 Solemn Mass, there is also an experimental tradition known as a “Folk Mass” or “All-Ages Mass”.. It is actually a regular 9:30 eucharist using modern language. This 9:30 Sung Mass focuses on more contemporary music and art, with families and young children participating in reading and announcements.
The Gallery Choir at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Toronto has enjoyed a distinguished reputation since its founding by the world-renowned composer, organist and conductor Healey Willan in the 1920s. It sings at the 11am Solemn Mass every Sunday at SMM, and on feast days throughout the year. The repertoire, strongly rooted in the tradition established by Healey Willan, includes many mass settings and motets from the Renaissance period to the Willan era, as well as modern works of contemporary composers.
As in Willan’s day, the choristers are all volunteers. A prize-winner in the first CBC Radio Competition for Amateur Choirs in 1976 and again in 2008, the Gallery Choir has made over a dozen recordings, and continues to offer concerts at SMM and beyond. Membership is by audition. For more information, contact David Simon, Director of Music at david@stmarymagdalene.ca
David Simon teaches organ, piano, and music theory at St. Michael's Choir School in Toronto. His previous roles include Organist and interim Director of Music at St. James Cathedral in Toronto, Organist and Choirmaster at Berkeley Divinity School, Yale University, and Bevan Organ Scholar at Trinity College, University of Toronto. David won First Prize in the Royal Canadian College of Organists national organ playing competition and the University of Michigan organ improvisation competition, and has gone on to give concerts, deliver lectures, and teach students across North America. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts from Yale University and is a Fellow of the RCCO, winning the Willan Scholarship for top national achievement.