Father Eric provided the last of several messages at the end of 2024, where people spoke of what they value about the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. If you wish, you can make a donation to the parish here.

These short videos were also recorded in 2024:

You can meet parishioner, Brian Clarke here. Meet parishioner Erin Mays here. Meet parishioner Heather McGregor here Meet new parishioner Winnie and her daughter, Rose, here Meet parishioner Patrick Cain here.

The Church of St. Mary Magdalene exists today because of the continuing generous contributions of its members and friends - past and present. Our worship, education and outreach programs rely on the time, talent and treasure of our people who give freely because they care. All are welcome to do so in a number of ways financially. You can make a one time donation through our online partner, CanadaHelps using the buttons below:



The preferred way of contributing financially is by Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) with a monthly deduction from a bank account or credit card. The treasurer acknowledges your gift annually with a single tax receipt. The process saves writing a cheque or finding cash at the last minute, saves administrative time and ensures stable income for the parish. Administrative costs to the parish are very reasonable. You can change the amount of your monthly gift ant any time by contacting the treasurer, (treasurer@stmarymagdalene.ca)


You may also make an electronic transfer online through your bank account. The recipient is parish treasurer Anne Todd, who has set up this automatic deposit address: treasurer@stmarymagdalene.ca. Your deposit will be acknowledged via your email. Modest administrative fees are charged to your personal account.


You can set up a regular withdrawal using our CanadaHelps account here. Single donations generate an immediate tax receipt. Monthly donations generate an annual one. Administrative costs are higher using for this option.


Through United Way Toronto. If you donate to the United Way, by cash or payroll deduction, you can have your gift designated to an eligible charity, like the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. Our charitable number is 13246-3431-RR00001. In some companies this option is also offered by payroll deduction.  

Your employer may have a Matching Gift Program. In such a program, an employee’s gift to an eligible institution, like the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, is matched in cash by a gift from the employer.

Planned Giving  Bequests provide a lasting gift to parishes. Advance planning can also offer you and your families some tax advantages at the time of your death. Your legal and financial advisors can help you with this option.