An organ recital in progress: part 63
Dear SMM Community,
The next part of my online organ recital is here, and I hope that you enjoy it. I offer up these musical meditations as part of our parish efforts to find ways to keep you connected at this time. Recorded on my house organ, the instrument is a musical facsimile of the great 'Father' Willis organ at Salisbury Cathedral.
Today, I present Louis-Claude Daquin's Noël Suisse.
The Parisian Louis-Claude Daquin (1694-1772), famous for his keyboard skills from an early age, was favoured by the aristocracy and drew large audiences to his performances. In 1739, at the height of his career, he was appointed organist to King Louis XV at the Chapelle Royale, and in 1755 he became organiste titulaire of Notre-Dame Cathedral.
With best wishes,
Andrew Adair
Director of Music