Norah Bolton Norah Bolton

All Saints and All Souls, Nov. 1 and 2

Following Hallowe’en, November starts with the celebration of all the Saints and our Gallery Choir adds to the grandeur.. Fewer parishes celebrate All Souls the next day when we remember those near and dear to us by name. They include the recently departed and others who are no longer with us. You are welcome to submit names of those whom you would like remembered during the mass Send them to the parish office, marked for commemmoration at All Souls. (It helps to note the pronunciation of names, if they are not obvious to the reader. This quiet and reflective service brings comfort to many.

Following Hallowe’en, November starts with the celebration of all the Saints and our Gallery Choir adds to the grandeur.. Fewer parishes celebrate All Souls the next day when we remember those near and dear to us by name. They include the recently faithful departed and others who are no longer with us. You are welcome to submit names of family and friends whom you would like remembered during the mass and attend it to hear them read. Send names to the parish office, marked for commemmoration at All Souls. (It helps to note the pronunciation of names, if they are not obvious to the reader). This quiet and reflective service brings comfort to many.

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Norah Bolton Norah Bolton

Concerts Begin with Opus 8 on October 25.

Come and hear this rising ensemble in a free concert where organist and director of music Robert Dixon collaborates with this octet whose repertoire spans a broad range. You can learn more about them here. . The program includes include works by Poulenc, Debussy, Clement, Lassus, Dufay, Vierne, Demessieux, Hasprois & Martin. Things get under way on Tuesday October 25 at 7:30 pm. Enfrance is free with doattions gratefully accepted.

Come and hear this ensemble with a growing reputation for excellence in a free concert where organist and director of music Robert Dixon collaborates with the Opus 8 whose repertoire spans a broad range. You can learn more about them here. The program includes works by Poulenc, Debussy, Clement, Lassus, Dufay, Vierne, Demessieux, Hasprois & Martin. Things get under way on Tuesday October 25 at 7:30 pm. Admission is free with donattions gratefully accepted.

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Norah Bolton Norah Bolton

Hallowe'en is Coming

We have become the go-to place in the neighborhood for Hallowe’en with several years of celeberation under our belts, including those during the pandemic. Volunteers will happily accept your donations of wrapped candy. These may be left at the back of the church up to October 30th, when they will be repacked to give to individual trick or treaters. Volunteers are also welcome and can contact warden, Mark Steabaugh.

We have become the go-to place in the neighborhood for Hallowe’en with several years of celeberation under our belts, including those during the pandemic. Volunteers will happily accept your donations of wrapped candy. These may be left at the back of the church up to October 30th, when they will be repacked to give to individual trick or treaters. Volunteers are also welcome and can contact warden, Mark Steabaugh.

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Norah Bolton Norah Bolton

Blessing of Animals Sunday, October 2

SMM will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (actually on October 4th) on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Parishioners, friends and neighbours are invited to bring along their furry and feathered friends to have them blessed by Father Eric. Participants have sometimes arrived on leashes, in cages - and even one time as a photo since the cat was at the vet’s. All two footed, four footed and no footed friends are welcome.

SMM will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (actually on October 4th) on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Parishioners, friends and neighbours are invited to bring along their furry and feathered friends to have them blessed by Father Eric. Participants have sometimes arrived on leashes, in cages - and even one time as a photo since the cat was at the vet’s. All two footed, four footed and no footed friends are welcome.

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Norah Bolton Norah Bolton

Games Night Returns on October 1

One our most successful and fun filled events has been a games Night. Sponsored by the Children and Youth Committee, it offers entertainment and participation for all ages. There is a good supply of board games on hand and you can also bring your own favorites and team up with others. Thing get underway at 4:30 pm. on Saturday afternoon and conclude at 7:00 pm. Pizza, drinks and snacks will be available for a small fee. Do come out and enjoy one another’s company again.

One our most successful and fun filled events has been a games Night. Sponsored by the Children and Youth Committee, it offers entertainment and participation for all ages. There is a good supply of board games on hand and you can also bring your own favorites and team up with others. Thing get underway at 4:30 pm. on Saturday afternoon and conclude at 7:00 pm. Pizza, drinks and snacks will be available for a small fee. Do come out and enjoy one another’s company again.

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