Classes resume and a new program will be announced very soon. Enjoy some of the activities from earlier this year.


Stations of the Cross for Children and Families - Learning through sight, sound, smells and stories

SCENES FROM THE 2023 Christmas Pageant

Perhaps the best pageant ever! Twenty two young participants - angels, shepherds, the holy couple with the babe in a manger, wisepersons - plus Caesar and Herod - with singing, acting and using the whole of the church as a stage. Congratulations to all the participants, musicians and directors!


With parishioners ranging in age from under one to more than 100 years of age, we enjoy a rich common spiritual and social life. We welcome you to join us and participate.

We all love our children and join their parents and grandparents in helping them grow as people of faith at weekly Sunday worship. The children are full members of our congregation and we offer them a safe and stimulating environment away from home. All volunteers are fully screened before any interaction with children or vulnerable adults.  The team meets regularly to plan activities and groupings appropriate to age and level of understanding. Our curate, Jake Cunliffe now helps us in exploring the big questions.

At the 9.30 am Sung Mass there is a weekly program for toddlers and school children. They enjoy stories, drama, crafts and games, as well as talking about things that matter. During the pandemic we have met regularly out of doors in all seasons. We are now indoors some of the time and we welcome young visitors and their parents to join us. You can also contact us about our Faith@Home activities and we are also happy to share them with other parishes.

For more information, contact the coordinators:

Alice MacLachlan: alice.maclachlan@gmail.com Melisa Leyland: melisa.m.leyland@gmail.com