Lent I - 26 February 2023 Feb 24 Written By Melisa Leyland We celebrate the First Sunday in Lent with an online mass. Note the time change! It’s earlier than usual, in order to accommodate our Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following.10.00 am Solemn Parish Mass (livestreamed)You can find the service HERE.You can find the leaflet HERE. Melisa Leyland
Lent I - 26 February 2023 Feb 24 Written By Melisa Leyland We celebrate the First Sunday in Lent with an online mass. Note the time change! It’s earlier than usual, in order to accommodate our Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following.10.00 am Solemn Parish Mass (livestreamed)You can find the service HERE.You can find the leaflet HERE. Melisa Leyland