Our Parish Profile

On behalf of the Parish Leadership Team and the Parish Panel, we wish you a Happy New Year. With hope, 2022 will start to ease many of the stresses that we have all felt during the past year.

The Parish Panel has been able to meet all of its scheduled milestones and are pleased to let you know that just prior to Christmas, first interviews were held with two candidates who were provided to us by the Bishop. Second interviews are scheduled for this coming Saturday.

As part of the Panel's information-gathering process, we administered a survey, held a series of focus groups, and received input from the leaders of all the various groups in the parish. That culminated in a comprehensive Parish Profile, which we are sharing with you today. You can read it HERE. We believe it represents an honest reflection of where we currently stand as a parish and where, with hope, we're heading as a faith community.

Rob Castle, Rector's Warden

Heather McGregor, People's Warden


Epiphany - 6 January 2022


An organ recital in progress: part 115