An organ recital in progress: part 76

Dear SMM Community,

The next part of my online organ recital is here, and I hope that you enjoy it. I offer up these musical meditations as part of our parish efforts to find ways to keep you connected at this time. Recorded on my house organ, today's instrument is a musical facsimile of the Kuhn organ at the Philharmonie in Essen.

Today, I present Léonce de Saint-Martin's Alma Redemptoris Mater.

Léonce de Saint-Martin (1886-1954) succeeded Louis Vierne as titular organist of Notre-Dame de Paris in 1937, remaining in the post until his death. His Alma Redemptoris is the middle movement of the Symphonie Mariale, a work based on the Gregorian chant Marian anthems.

With best wishes,
Andrew Adair
Director of Music


Palm Sunday - 28 March 2021


Feast of the Annunciation - 25 March 2021