National Indigenous Day of Prayer - Mass for 21 June 2020

This Sunday, we use the propers set out in the Book of Alternative Services for the National Indigenous Day of Prayer, which is classified as Feast with Precedence over a Sunday. General Synod added this day in 2010 as part of the Anglican Church’s work of reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. We are fortunate to welcome the Reverend Leigh Kern, Diocesan Indigenous Ministries Coordinator and Reconciliation Animator, as our preacher today.

You can join us HERE. (The link will go active Sunday morning.)

If you would like to participate, you can find the leaflet HERE.

If you are interested in learning more about the history and present of the Indigenous Nations and communities in Canada, Reverend Kern has graciously provided us with a starting list of resources HERE.


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