The Stations of the Cross

Every Friday in Lent, we pray the Stations of the Cross. This meditative pilgrimage is quiet, powerful devotion that brings us into the story of Christ's suffering and death. It was created in the Middle Ages as way for people to walk the Way of the Cross even if they could not physically travel to Jerusalem. In this time when so many of us cannot even travel to our own parish churches, Mother Johanna leads us around the stations so that you can walk with us.

You can find the video HERE.

You can find the leaflet HERE.

(On 13 March 2020, the Diocese of Toronto suspended all public worship services as part of the effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Here at SMM, in this difficult time, we are finding ways to offer ways of participating in the daily life of our parish, even if we cannot be present physically.)


Lent IV - Eucharist


Psalm 23 presented for Children & Youth