Rotary AIDS Walk

This coming Saturday, the St. Mary Magdalene Marchers are walking a very important 5k in support and alongside our friends from Latinos Positivos.  This year will be our 9th year of participation and our 8th year supporting Latinos Positivos! 

Some important facts about Latinos Positivos:

·  They are an organization that is 100% volunteer run.  They count St. Mary Magdalene as one of their main sponsors (meaning they rely heavily on the money we raise at this walk).

·  They provide services to the Spanish-speaking HIV/AIDS community in Toronto.

·  These services include counselling, translations, interpretation, settlement support, positive prevention, office services, the registration process (intake) and more.  

·  Currently, Latinos Positivos receives an average of one new HIV+ client a day!

Learn more about their mission in this presentation.

The attached presentation has more information about this life-saving and hope-bringing organization. Take a look through it to learn more.  

Some very exciting news is that Latinos Positivos has been named as the walk's residual beneficiary!!!  This means that in addition to the money we raise, a portion of all money raised by all walkers will go to Latinos Positivos.  

Please consider making a donation and/or join the team and walk with us! Our goal is to raise a minimum of $2,000, and we have currently reached just over 10% of our goal. 

Make a donation: 

Thank you in advance for your support!


Master Gardener Talk on Pollinator Gardens - 1 June, 1.00-3.00 pm


Stations of the Cross for Families