The Church of St Mary Magdalene

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Lent IV - Eucharist

Today, we celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Lent, also known as Laetare Sunday (from the first word of the introit - “rejoice”).

Our small forces include Father David celebrating, Mother Johanna preaching, Andrew Adair on the Organ, Rob Castle and Simon Walker singing, Phyllis McCurdy and Christian Cameron serving, and Richard Woolrich keeping an eye on things generally, while Elisabeth Beattie works the camera. Christian and Elisabeth also read. (We are being careful to maintain social distancing, which is why people are standing so far apart.)

You can watch it HERE.

If you want to join us, the leaflet is HERE.

(On 13 March 2020, the Diocese of Toronto suspended all public worship services as part of the effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Here at SMM, in this difficult time, we are trying to offer ways of participating in the daily life of our parish, even if we cannot be present physically.)