The Church of St Mary Magdalene

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Stewardship at SMM

To the SMM Community:

As Christians and followers of Christ, our mission is to form and nurture a community of faith which worships God, seeks to deepen in faith, cares for one another, and acts in the world with love, mercy and justice. Indeed, these are the “currencies” of the kingdom.

To sustain the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, we rely on the generosity of those who call SMM home. The majority of our parish income of approximately $400,000 comes from parishioners who make regular contributions to the parish. This “currency” pays salaries and utilities, keeps the organ in tune and the building in good repair, and includes what we give to others in need in the community and beyond.

We offer our deepest thanks to our parishioners and friends who, together, allow SMM to be what it is. Thank you for your generosity!

We are inviting you, as a member of our community, to consider what financial support you are able to offer this year to support the parish and its ministries. There are several different ways to make regular contributions:

  • The Pre-Authorized Giving form allows you to make a monthly donation from your bank account or on a credit card.

  • If you have not done so recently, you can change your monthly donation amount using the attached form.

  • If you wish to receive weekly or offering envelopes to put on the collection plate, please call the parish office at (416) 531-7955.

  • Contributions can also be made through Canada Helps by using the “Donate” button on our website at

We each offer our thanks to you for your support of SMM.

Yours faithfully,

The Reverend Canon David Harrison

Mark Harding                   Elizabeth Salvaterra
People’s Warden            Rector’s Warden

 David Greig                               Catherine Riddell
Deputy People’s Warden      Deputy Rector’s Warden